Our Opportunity

$13.6 million

Greece, France, and Israel supply a substantial $13.6 million worth of pet food exclusively to Nigeria. Breedmin's objective is to enter this market and fill the void in global pet food exports from Africa


With a market size of $2.4b, Africa’s pet food industry only supplies 29% of this demand internally whilst the other 71% solely depends on import.


Ghana's pet food revenue sits at $39.31m in 2023 which is expected to grow at a steady annual rate of 8.49%.Breedmin having its first foot at the door to tap from this market.

Our Approach

We focus on creating over 200,000 sustainable jobs for the youth and women while reducing importation of pet food by 50% contributing to Ghana’s GDP. Our approach to attaining this objective is broken down into three main themes:

Our Approach

We focus on creating over 200,000 sustainable jobs for the youth and women while reducing importation of pet food by 50% contributing to Ghana’s GDP. Our approach to attaining this objective is broken down into three main themes:

Sustainable Rabbit Farming and Pet Food production

BreedMin controls the full value chain,guaranteeing a steady flow of quality raw material for premium food. We  train a group of youth and women in rabbit farming and give technical support  to them. We then take all the production from the trained farmers together with supply from other external parties for the production of the pet food.

Environmental Sustainability

Our processing stage is dedicated to efficient waste management. Organic waste is transformed through composting into valuable fertilizer, promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Simultaneously, non-organic waste is disposed of in strict adherence to environmental regulations. This comprehensive waste management approach ensures both environmental responsibility and resource utilization in our operations.

Community Spirit

Our distinctive “F.E.W.S. Strategy,” coupled with its “Walang Iwanan” (no one left behind) ethos, aims to expand and uplift every individual which underscores our commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that each member of our community is supported and empowered.